Hoarding Services

Our Aim:

Hoarding services aim to improve the overall well-being and living conditions of individuals struggling with hoarding tendencies, promote healthier living environments, and reduce the risks associated with extreme clutter and hoarding behaviours. Our Hoarding Services are provided by professional organisers and teams specialising in hoarding cleanup.

Our Primary Objectives

1. Clutter Removal

Safe and systematic removal of excess possessions, debris, and clutter from the premises.

2. Cleaning and Sanitizing

Thorough cleaning and sanitization of the living space to eliminate health hazards and restore ahygienic environment.

3. Organisation

Establishing effective organization systems to manage belongings and maintain a clutter-free space.

4. Emotional Support

Providing emotional and psychological support to individuals and families affected by hoarding.

5. Safety Assessment

Identifying and addressing safety hazards, such as blocked exits or fire hazards, to make the home safe.

6. Follow-Up & Maintenance

Offering ongoing support and strategies to prevent the reaccumulation of clutter and relapse into hoarding behaviors.